Hi everyone, my name is Elwin Klappe (41) and I live in Dalfsen, The Netherlands.
As you might have guessed I like playing and creating board games. In 2014 I launched my first Kickstarter campaign 'BlockYou!' with success and we have successfully finished our second campaign 'Clash of the Ardennes.' in 2021. We have sold over 3.500 copies world wide!
In 2023 we launched a special edition of Clash: Clash - D-Day Special edition, which was sold over 600 times.
Elwin Klappe
Kloosterhof 18
7721 XS Dalfsen
The Netherlands
K.v.K. 61280321
BTW id: NL001414939B73
Bank: NL13 KNAB 0258 4756 68
Onze algemene voorwaarden kunt u hier lezen.
Email: klappe@gmail.com